I am writing this entry as an emergency of "You need to Know!". There is a phone app that can copy your keys with just sending a picture of your key, the phone app will produce a key copy and mail it to whoever request the key. The real danger here is as it is mentioned in this article by CBS46.com that anyone who takes a picture of your key can have the phone app reproduce a key copy! I am shock at how easy it is. Here is the link to the original article:
So, what to do you do to keep your place safe? My number one recommendation is get a Mul-T-Lock cylinder in your lock. This is the only type of key that someone won't be able to reproduce with a key copy or a picture. Mul-T-Lock keys have a higher level of restriction and security. Be aware when you call a locksmith that you are given a real Mul-T-Lock, not a fake one. A real one will say Mul-T-Lock on the key and the cylinder.
Next, is the obvious. If you are handing in your keys to anyone like a car wash, mechanic, parking agent or to anyone who has to have your key, take off your home/apartment keys from the key holder, so they won't have access to your home/apartment keys and take a picture of it.
Do not take your personal security and safety for granted, so many people have a false sense of security that is painful to know.
Have a safe day !
Monday, October 20, 2014
Keys copies
apartment safety,
Brooklyn Locksmith,
Empire Lock,
keys copy,
order keys,
photo apps,
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
A Hole In Your Key...Oh No !
Making a hole in your Car/Motorcycle/Truck key is the worst thing you can do. If it is a Transponder key, you will damage the key's Transponder and you won't be able to start your vehicle. Most keys, even some new motorcycles and trucks key have a Transponder chip which is what sends the signal to the Engine Module to start the car. It is a anti-theft system that comes is most cars/vehicles. Many people don't even know that their keys have a transponder key. The Transponder is inside of the key and most are not visible to the eye.
Making a key copy from a Transponder key is easy, if it is done by a professional locksmith. When you loose or damage your Transponder key, creating a new key takes a bit more work and it's more costly too.
This picture shows the damage done to a Transponder key, the owner drilled a hole and broke/damaged the transponder inside of the key, therefore, the keys is defective and will not start the car:
Making a key copy from a Transponder key is easy, if it is done by a professional locksmith. When you loose or damage your Transponder key, creating a new key takes a bit more work and it's more costly too.
This picture shows the damage done to a Transponder key, the owner drilled a hole and broke/damaged the transponder inside of the key, therefore, the keys is defective and will not start the car:
The top head hook of the key broke, so I guess he made the hole to put the key in the key ring, causing damage to the Transponder key at the same time.
The Transponder chip is so small and varies in size and position from car to car. Different types of cars have different types of chips and sizes. Transponders chips are not compatible with different cars, each car year and model has a specific type of transponder chip.
For that reason, I also do not recommend people to buy Transponder keys on the internet like on Ebay. It has a small price tag, but for most of the times, the keys do not work or do not program. Sometimes, these key blades are not even in the right side or thickness and when cut, it won't work.
Get your keys from a dealer or a professional Locksmith.
If you want more information on Locksmith, Locks, key, Transponder keys and more, you may visit my page and keep up with updated information at:
Take care,
broken key,
Brooklyn Locksmith,
car key,
Empire Lock,
key copy,
lock out,
motorcycle key,
transponder keys,
truck key,
vehicle key
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Transponder Key Battery Operated a Dead End...
Having a transponder key battery operated is the worst key one can have or buy. The reason is this specific type of Transponder key works with the battery only, so what happens when the battery juice run out? your key goes out of programming and you will be stuck wherever you are, this can be the worst nightmare a driver can have and a very costly one.
Many Locksmiths offer this type of keys to their customers because it has a very low price tag, but the consequences of having this key will cost the customer and make the locksmith more money, since the customer will need a new battery and a new programming.
When getting a Transponder key from a Locksmith make sure that it is not a battery operated transponder key. You can find out if it is by looking at the back of the key, it will say Battery and the number. Most of them look like this one:
Many Locksmiths offer this type of keys to their customers because it has a very low price tag, but the consequences of having this key will cost the customer and make the locksmith more money, since the customer will need a new battery and a new programming.
When getting a Transponder key from a Locksmith make sure that it is not a battery operated transponder key. You can find out if it is by looking at the back of the key, it will say Battery and the number. Most of them look like this one:
Remember that when the Battery dies, it can happen anywhere and you will be stuck having to tow your car and getting additional expenses. If you need a transponder key copy ask for the best ones, the ones that do not need a battery for the key-transponder-chip, because having one of these is just a Dead End road that you will leave you stranded on at any given moment.
If by any chance you do have this type of key, go to your nearest Locksmith and get a Transponder key copy and carry it with you at all the times, and when your battery runs out on that key, you can start your car with the copy you made.
Take care!
LLaves Transponder Que Trabajan con Baterias Un Samino Sin Salida...
Tener una llave transponder con pilas/baterias para su operacion, es el peor de las llaves que uno puede tener o comprar. La razón es porque este tipo específico de LLaves con transpondedor sólo trabaja con la batería, así que cuando el jugo de la batería se acaba que cree usted que pasa? su llave se sale de la programación y se quedara estoqueado allí donde se encuentre, el carro no va a prender, esto puede ser la peor pesadilla de un conductor y puede salir muy caro.
Muchos Cerrajeros ofrecen este tipo de llaves a sus clientes, ya que tiene una etiqueta de precio muy bajo, pero las consecuencias de tener esta tipo de llave le costará al cliente y le hara mas dinero al cerrajer, ya que el cliente necesitará una batería nueva y una nueva programación.
Al obtener una clave de transpondedor de un cerrajero asegurese de que no sea una llave de transpondedor con pilas/baterias. Usted puede observalo si mira a la parte trasera de la llave, dirá batería y el número de esta. La mayoría de estas se ven como la siguiente:
Recuerde que cuando la batería se agota, puede ocurrir en cualquier lugar y tendra quetener que pagar por una grua para mover su vehículo obteniendo gastos adicionales. Si necesita una copia de llave del transponder pide las mejores, las que no necesitan una batería para la llave transpondedor , porque tener una de éstas es un camino sin salida que va a dejarlo varado en cualquier momento.
Si por casualidad usted ya tiene este tipo de llave, vaya a su cerrajero más cercano y obtega una copia de la llave del transponder y traigala con usted en todos los tiempos, y cuando su batería se agota en esa llave, se puede arrancar el vehículo con la copia que hizo.
car key copy,
chip keys,
Empire Lock,
key copy,
keys programming,
transponder keys
Friday, June 13, 2014
Cambia Tu Cilinddro e Installa un Deadbolt
Cambia Tu Cylindro e Installa un Deadblot:
Bienvenidos a mi nuevo blog de cerrajería donde quiero compartir una gran cantidad de información importante acerca de cerrajería, cerraduras, llaves y seguridad, ya en serio, porque la tranquilidad no tiene precio!
Así que usted acaba de mudarse en un gran apartamento en un barrio estupendo y despues que se muda usted viene a su casa para descubrir que su laptop y objetos más valiosos han sido robados, con un robo en su nuevo apartamento! ... Sucede más de lo que se informa y más de lo que se te ocurra. Si usted tiene miles en valor de los elementos de sus pertenencias personales, en serio Amigo o Amiga, lo primero que hay que invertir es en un buen cilindro y una cerradura con Deadbolt de seguridad (si no tienes uno).
Nunca tome la seguridad por adqurida naturalmente. No aprenda de la manera difícil. Cuando se mudó a ese nuevo apartamento, lo más probable es que el propietario no cambio el cilindro, lo que significa, que los inquilinos anteriores y sus amigos y la familia podría tener la llave de tu apartamento nuevo amueblado.
Así que ya sabes, cuando te mudas a un lugar nuevo, debes installar un nuevo cilindro. Si desea incrementar la seguridad un poco más alta, elige por el Interactivo Mul-T-Lock. Estos son los más altos cilindros en seguridad garantizados, con una llave restringida que sólo se puede hacer copia de la llave si tiene la tarjeta Interactivo Mul-T-Lock. Si usted decide obtener un Mul-T-Lock, asegúrese de que es real, debe decir Mul-T-Lock en el cilindro. Cuando usted se mude, usted puede tomar su cilindro Mul-T-Lock con usted. Nunca pierde su dinero o pertenencias con este tipo de cilindro. Los falsos Mul-T-Locks no son tan seguros como el verdadero Interactivo Mul-T-Lock original. Así que ya lo sabes!
El Deadbolt, evita que los ladrones usen objetos para abrir la puerta, lo mejor y más recomendable es el Jimmy Deadbolt, usted puede también conseguir este con un cilindro Mul-T-Lock.
La razón de que no le gusta el uso de cilindros regulares se debe a que cualquiera que tome en mano sus llaves puede hacer una copia de la llave, y los cilindros regulares pueden ser abiertos con un Bump llave. Y si lo que necesita saber lo que eso significa, vaya a youtube y compruebe lo fácil que es para abrir una cerradura con un cilindro normal en la puerta, con varias technicas de cerrajeria.
Hey, de ninguna manera estoy tratando de asustarlo, sólo estoy compartiendo información importante que creo que hay que tener en cuenta, porque la paz de la mente no tiene precio!
Visite mi página de Facebook para más información y actualizaciones sobre Cerrajería y Seguridad en:
Y si te ha gustado mi blog, por favor, compartelo con otros, nunca se sabe a quien podiras ayudandar con esta informacion.
Que tengas un día seguro!
Monday, June 9, 2014
Change your Cylinder and get a Deadbolt !!!
Welcome to my new Locksmith blog where I want to share a LOT of important information about Locksmith, Locks, Keys and security because seriously, peace of mind has no price !
So you just moved into that great apartment in a great neighborhood and just as you are settling you come home to find out that you laptop and most valuable items are gone, you had a break in your apartment !... It happens more than what it is reported and more than what you think of. If you have thousands worth of items in personal belongings, seriously Dude or Missy, the first thing you must invest is in a good Cylinder and a Deadbolt ( if you don' have one).
Never take security for granted. Don't learn this the hard way. When you moved into that new apartment, most likely the Landlord did not change the cylinder, which means, the previous tenants and his/her friends and family might have a key to your new furnished apartment.
So now you know, when you move into a new place, get a new cylinder. If you want to step up security a bit higher, go for the Interactive Mul-T-Lock. This are the highest secured cylinders, with a restricted keyway that you can only make a key copy if you have the Interactive Mul-T-Lock card. If you do decide to get a Mul-T-Lock, make sure it is a real one, It must say Mul-T-Lock on the cylinder. When you move out, you can take your Mul-T-Lock cylinder with you. You never loose your money or belongings with this type of cylinder. Yeah, yeah, there are fake Mul-T-Locks out there that are not as secured as the real original Interactive Mul-T-lock. So now you know it!
The Deadbolt, it prevents the crooks from using objects to open your door, the best and most recommended one is the Jimmy Proof Deadbolt, you can also get this with a Mul-T-Lock cylinder.
The reason for me to Not like the use of regular cylinders is because anyone who gets a hand on your keys can make a key copy of it, and regular cylinders can be Picked open or Bump open. And if you need to know what that means, go on youtube and check how easy it is to open a lock with a regular cylinder by shimming the door, picking the cylinder or bumping the cylinder.
Hey, by no means I am trying to scared you, I am just sharing important information that I think you must be aware of, because peace of mind has no price !
Check my Facebook page for more information and updates about Locksmith and Security at:
And if you liked my blog, please pass it along, you never know who you might be helping out there.
Have a safe day !
So you just moved into that great apartment in a great neighborhood and just as you are settling you come home to find out that you laptop and most valuable items are gone, you had a break in your apartment !... It happens more than what it is reported and more than what you think of. If you have thousands worth of items in personal belongings, seriously Dude or Missy, the first thing you must invest is in a good Cylinder and a Deadbolt ( if you don' have one).
Never take security for granted. Don't learn this the hard way. When you moved into that new apartment, most likely the Landlord did not change the cylinder, which means, the previous tenants and his/her friends and family might have a key to your new furnished apartment.
So now you know, when you move into a new place, get a new cylinder. If you want to step up security a bit higher, go for the Interactive Mul-T-Lock. This are the highest secured cylinders, with a restricted keyway that you can only make a key copy if you have the Interactive Mul-T-Lock card. If you do decide to get a Mul-T-Lock, make sure it is a real one, It must say Mul-T-Lock on the cylinder. When you move out, you can take your Mul-T-Lock cylinder with you. You never loose your money or belongings with this type of cylinder. Yeah, yeah, there are fake Mul-T-Locks out there that are not as secured as the real original Interactive Mul-T-lock. So now you know it!
The Deadbolt, it prevents the crooks from using objects to open your door, the best and most recommended one is the Jimmy Proof Deadbolt, you can also get this with a Mul-T-Lock cylinder.
The reason for me to Not like the use of regular cylinders is because anyone who gets a hand on your keys can make a key copy of it, and regular cylinders can be Picked open or Bump open. And if you need to know what that means, go on youtube and check how easy it is to open a lock with a regular cylinder by shimming the door, picking the cylinder or bumping the cylinder.
Hey, by no means I am trying to scared you, I am just sharing important information that I think you must be aware of, because peace of mind has no price !
Check my Facebook page for more information and updates about Locksmith and Security at:
And if you liked my blog, please pass it along, you never know who you might be helping out there.
Have a safe day !
apartment safety,
door lock,
Empire Lock,
Empire Lock NY,
jimmy proof deadbolt. apartments,
key copy,
lock safety,
Locksmith Service,
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